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Therapy may take the form of play therapy (for younger children), psychotherapy (adolescents and adults) or trauma counselling.

Play therapy allows children with a safe space to explore challenges linked to development, schooling, stress, trauma, loss, and other concerns. My approach is non-directive, allowing for emotional and creative expression, learning, and the development of problem solving skills.


Psychotherapy aims to encourage the development of insight into behaviour, thoughts, and feelings, to allow for improved adaptive functioning. Clients are given the opportunity to explore existing patterns in their thoughts, behaviours and relationships which may be causing barriers to achieving individual success and well-being. Collaboration between the client and therapist, problem solving and solution-oriented ways of thinking are encouraged throughout the therapeutic process.

Trauma counselling is a short-term intervention which assists with making sense of the difficult emotions associated with going through a traumatic event.  This may include working through experiences of fear, helplessness, or loss of control, as well as other challenges.

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